Frida Kahlo Inspired Self Portraits
Second Grade
Second Grade
Objective: Students will create a self portrait that tells a story
Connections to White Plains Learning Outcomes:
Use painting tools
Use drawing tools
Create various shapes
Anchor Standard: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers experiment with forms, structures, materials, concepts, media, and artmaking approaches.
Essential Question: What is weaving?
New York Standards
a. Create art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity.
Materials: Frida Kahlo presentation, mirrors, paper, pencils, erasers, oil pastels, paint, planning page
Connections to White Plains Learning Outcomes:
Use painting tools
Use drawing tools
Create various shapes
Anchor Standard: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers experiment with forms, structures, materials, concepts, media, and artmaking approaches.
Essential Question: What is weaving?
New York Standards
a. Create art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity.
Materials: Frida Kahlo presentation, mirrors, paper, pencils, erasers, oil pastels, paint, planning page