Fourth Grade
Murmuration Prints
Murmuration Prints
Objective: Students will be able to create custom stamps and show movement and repetition in a work of art
Connections to White Plains Learning Outcomes:
Recognize that all shapes are flat
Create a balanced composition
Use painting tools
Anchor Standard: Relate and synthesize knowledge and personal experiences to inspire and inform artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Through artmaking, people make meaning by investigating and developing awareness of perceptions, knowledge, and experiences.
Essential Question: What makes printmaking different from drawings?
New York Standards
a. Develop a work of art, based on observations of surroundings.
Materials: Murmuration presentation, murmuration planning page, craft foam, Sharpies, pencils, scissors, watercolor paints, black paint, construction paper, glue
Connections to White Plains Learning Outcomes:
Recognize that all shapes are flat
Create a balanced composition
Use painting tools
Anchor Standard: Relate and synthesize knowledge and personal experiences to inspire and inform artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Through artmaking, people make meaning by investigating and developing awareness of perceptions, knowledge, and experiences.
Essential Question: What makes printmaking different from drawings?
New York Standards
a. Develop a work of art, based on observations of surroundings.
Materials: Murmuration presentation, murmuration planning page, craft foam, Sharpies, pencils, scissors, watercolor paints, black paint, construction paper, glue