LED Portrait
This interactive painting began with guiding the camper as they modified a digital photograph of themselves in Photoshop. Once we had reduced her portrait to black, white and grey, she took her printout to the light box and traced it onto watercolor paper. The next step was for her to paint her portrait with acrylics. We then talked about simple circuits and used conductive paint, a LED, a paper switch, and button battery to make the circuit. As the paper switch is pressed, the conductive paint on the switch makes contact with the button battery completing the circuit and lighting the LED, giving the portrait a bright "idea".
This interactive painting began with guiding the camper as they modified a digital photograph of themselves in Photoshop. Once we had reduced her portrait to black, white and grey, she took her printout to the light box and traced it onto watercolor paper. The next step was for her to paint her portrait with acrylics. We then talked about simple circuits and used conductive paint, a LED, a paper switch, and button battery to make the circuit. As the paper switch is pressed, the conductive paint on the switch makes contact with the button battery completing the circuit and lighting the LED, giving the portrait a bright "idea".