Fifth Grade
Graffiti Name
Graffiti Name
Objective: Students will be able to create their name in block letters
Connections to White Plains Learning Outcomes:
Use drawing tools
Identify and use parallel lines
Anchor Standard: Investigate ways that artistic work is influenced by societal, cultural, and historical context and, in turn, how artistic ideas shape cultures past, present, and future.
Enduring Understanding: Works of art and design embody and influence the needs, desires, beliefs, traditions, and values of people within a culture.
Essential Question: How can I use shading to make a shape appear 3D
New York Standards
a. Explore how works of art and design contribute to the quality of life within a culture.
Materials: Graffiti presentation, graffiti name handouts, pencils, Sharpies, paper, brick stamp, paint
Connections to White Plains Learning Outcomes:
Use drawing tools
Identify and use parallel lines
Anchor Standard: Investigate ways that artistic work is influenced by societal, cultural, and historical context and, in turn, how artistic ideas shape cultures past, present, and future.
Enduring Understanding: Works of art and design embody and influence the needs, desires, beliefs, traditions, and values of people within a culture.
Essential Question: How can I use shading to make a shape appear 3D
New York Standards
a. Explore how works of art and design contribute to the quality of life within a culture.
Materials: Graffiti presentation, graffiti name handouts, pencils, Sharpies, paper, brick stamp, paint